Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Monday, January 13, 2025

Books for 2025 - A Preview

I decided to provide a Preview of my 2025 reading list. 

 The next time you see this list - it will be at the end of the year.

At the beginning of this year I saw a book list on a blog that I follow - 5 Acres and a Dream.  This was the first time I encountered a blogger’s book list. Leigh’s 2024 books list was HUGE.  Suddenly I wondered about my own reading stats.

And my list for 2025 was born.  Initially it was only going to be Title and Author like Leigh’s list  Then, because I couldn't leave well enough alone, I thought I could put a number rating to help me remember the quality of the author’s work in my estimation.  I wanted some indication of my impressions - without a wordy review. 

A few observations about my ‘reading’ list.  

  • My Kindle Reader is filled with escapism stories like devestating national or global events - apocalypse, zombies, EMPs - you get the idea. These are mostly free Kindle Unlimited Offerings by authors who are independent and building a following.  I read these before bed, while I eat, while waiting for appointments and during quiet times at home.
  • Actual books are mostly non-fiction.  These are book I want to keep and refer back to. This list is small.
  • Audible books are a mix of escapism, best sellers, biographies, history, thrillers, etc.  I enjoy these books while cleaning, cooking, driving and crafting.
  • If you don’t see a number after an author’s name, that means I am currently reading it.
  • I love long books so finding an author that provides 9 or 10 books that follow the same characters is ideal for me.  You will notice that some books in January are continuations from my 2024 reading. 
  • I have no problem having 2 of any of these options going at the same time.

I am mostly an Audible and Kindle reader and began this practice about 20 years ago when my husband was going blind and he trying to find audio past times.  With Voice Over on his iPad, he can listen the Kindle books.  I began 2025 with 258 unread book titles in my Audible Reading List. Yes, 258!  That number was actually in the 300s and I did a reorg and declutter of those electronic books.  How did I have that many titles you may wonder.  I think the only explanation I can offer is that I can buy faster than I can read!  (This is true also of yarn and knitting. 😂 )

The numbers ratings are:

(1) - Just awful, not my type of book, didn’t finish

(2) - Disappointing. Finished it for the end of the story but will not follow the author

(3) - Just Ok. Enjoyed but will not follow the author

(4) - Very good.  Enjoyable.  Fun. Informative. Will definitely read other books by this author

(5) - Exceptional.  Can’t wait for the next book.  Will haunt this author’s works going forward



Paper Books

Thriving Beyond Fifty - Will Harlow Mac, MCSP, Cert. MA - this is 422 pages long and will take most of the year, I follow him on his YouTube station and he is excellent.  So far this book is also excellent..

Audio Books

Glock Grannies: Cozy Mystery, Book 1 - Shannon VanBergen - (2)

Baskets and Beignets: Miss Fortune Mysteries, Book 27 - Jana Deleon  (4)

The Naturalist - Andrew Mayne (1)

Night Watch - Jayne Anne Phillips (1)

The President’s Daughter - James Patterson and Bill Clinton

Kindle Books

Chaos Gains: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller, Book 5 - Harley Tate - (4)

Chaos Evolves: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller, Book 6 - Harley Tate - (4)

Hope Sparks: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller, Book 7 - Harley Tate - (5)

Hope Stumbles: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Thriller, Book 8 - Harley Tate - (5)

Hope Survives: A Post-Apocalyptic Survival thriller, Book 9 - Harley Tate

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

“Be Boring” and a new yearly list!

Happy New Year, All!

“Be Boring"

This might be the year of Navel Gazing for me.  

In my post before New Years I made a causal brief reference to the goal of being boring in the eyes of my medical professionals.  It was a comment that was randomly dropped while writing and I felt it would be a very positive development for me health wise to be boring (or healthy) in the coming year.

Oddly that phrase - be boring - stuck with me for a while.  

Being perceived as boring has slightly negative connotations in almost all other situations.  After all, who doesn’t want to be perceived as interesting, charming, the “life of the party!”  Popular people are definitely not boring people.  Others are drawn to them, seek out their attention, desire their company.  It is an external shell that can also be described as charisma.  Definitely not boring.

While in my life time I haven’t ever been described as the life of the party, I have gravitated toward leadership roles both in my professional life and private life.  Even until recently I found myself invited to join the community board of directors and did so willingly because I was not a stranger to those kinds of activities.  Stunningly I discovered that my actions on the board were noted by residents I didn’t even know.  They knew my name, but I but I didn’t know them.  I guess doing the hard actions, saying the hard things, and making a difference made me one of those “not boring” people. 

But with all the health drama of the last 2 years, I believe my focus has changed.  I think it has made me a bit more of an introvert than before.  Yes, I was described as in extrovert by others and by personality testing.  Now that label feels like a weight too hard to carry.  I am more comfortable letting others grab the spot light.  At least it feels like I am gravitating towards that as time passes. Focusing on my own needs, family, life and letting go of other stuff is the way I am heading.

None of this has happened intentionally.  It is mostly an observation of where my life seems to be taking me.  And it most definitely isn’t a New Year’s goal of any kind.  It is more of a gentle observation of the evolution of my personality. Maybe a pulling in - a contraction - a letting go of previously held needs.  I also think there is a shedding of some friendships that were not really friendships before - but I didn’t see that. Cultivating close friends, ideas, activities with a much smaller boundary than before. 

Being more boring. That is what it feels like.

A New Yearly List

I follow a blogger named Leigh at 5 Acres and a Dream.  While her life style is entirely different from mine, I really enjoy reading some of her posts in her effort to live more responsibly and off the grid.  In a recent post she provided a list of her 2024 books that she read.  It was TOTALLY amazing how many she had. It included paper, audio and kindle.  I got to thinking ... I wonder how many I read last year.  That inspired me to create my own list for 2025!  Her list is just titles and authors.  No reviews or pictures.  Just a simple list.  Mostly a list that gives her the scope of her reading for 2024.  So I am off and running on my own list for 2025.  Thanks for the idea, Leigh.

If you are curious about her blog or the list she provided - click on the link below.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

A New Year fast approaches ...

Well, we are coming up on another year.  I seldom set actual goals anymore, or pick a special word to focus on for the coming year or even make a quiet promise known only to me to change something about my life.  Doing any of that dooms my efforts with lightening speed every single time.  I fall off the wagon before it even starts to roll away.

But the New Year does feel like a fresh beginning.  Like opening a new notebook of blank paper ready to write or draw or a breath of fresh air upon leaving a stuffy enclosure.  I am not sure why that is since the “new year” is really a human construct.  No other living thing follows that structure. Plants have long since gone dormant. Hibernating animals have already hunkered down.  Even the season of winter began about a week ago. If Mother Nature was asked when a new year begins, I bet she would announce loudly and with authority - “Pay attention, little humans to all my other living creations.  Spring is the obvious beginning!"

Like previous years, I have nothing new planned for myself except to continue with the same practices I have already built into my life.

  • Exercise to keep my legs strong enough to last through my aging years. 
  • Reduce the unnecessary in my life so that I leave less behind when I am gone.
  • Stay as independent as possible for myself and my spouse, so we are not a burden to our children.
  • Enjoy my life and hobbies so living is more pleasant. 

Not one new thing on this list.  

Privately, however, there is one desire, one which I have very little control over and one in which the odds are against me, I fear.  I’d like to take a break from any new medical issues during 2025 - and just improve our current health “play list."  It is a small thing to ask, and at the same time, may be a very LARGE ask at 77.  Regardless, that quiet thought is tucked away in my soul.  I think we need that breather!  Just one year of infrequent doctor appointments because we have become a bit boring in the eyes of medical professionals.

Here's to being boring in 2025! 

(ok, maybe have do have a new goal for this year. 😂😂.)

So what is the New Year to you?

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Shot Gun Approach

So I have slipped on blogging updates.  This season has turned out to be busier than I thought, or maybe I am slower than I thought.  Probably a bit of both but mostly “me” is the problem if I am being totally honest.  So here is an “shot gun” update on a number of things.


I don’t seem to have the energy for all the “holiday trimmings” this year.  The tree is up (but not without a little drama - a missing tree stand that had to be replaced.). 

The packages are wrapped (finally) but also not without more drama (I forget that my wrapping supplies were low so I shopped on the 22nd - waiting in line for 35 minutes to pay for $13.00 worth of paper and name tags, only to discover on arriving home that I also needed more ribbon. So this year ... minimal ribbon the gifts.). A chunk of pre-Christmas time was devoted to supporting my daughter and my grand dog during his recent serious illness (corneal ulcers on both eyes resulting in graft surgery to correct the problem - the latest in a long list of health problems he has had.). But he is on the mend and hopefully we can get the rest of the way to Christmas without any further drama.  Christmas Eve is our family dinner and gift opening time at my condo.  I am hoping all our hurdles are behind us now.  (Remember, for long time readers - my “history” with Christmas is sketchy - filled with sad or negative experiences - so if your wondering why my update on this holiday seems less than cherry - it is because I bump up against “reality” quite frequently in December, and I have learned to expect problems.)

Husband Update

My husband is doing well after 2 blood transfusion to bump his abnormal blood work out of the “critical” stage.  He is still not normal but it will take further healing time for his body to correct what the chemo and radiation did. Despite how well he did during treatment - the treatment did finally catch up with him for about 2-3 weeks after it ended - leaving him feeling pretty miserable. Now we just have to get a clean PET scan - scheduled for the end of December.  I am trying not to expect my normal “Christmas reality” to color my husband’s PET scan results.  

Aja Update

It’s been awhile since I gave an update on our orange lady - Aja.  Yes, she is still motoring along.  We figure she is 7 or 8 by now. I thought I would include a picture.  While she does come out of the bedroom several times a day and visits my lap almost as many times, she hardly ever lingers.  But sometime she does settle in like in this picture - taking in some rays of sun.    

Recently I noticed she came out of the bedroom and cleaned herself.  In the last four years I have NEVER seen her clean herself - and for cats that is a function they do daily.  She always looks great - well groomed - so I know she does that.  The fact she came out and did that in “public” now is a big deal for her.  A level of comfort she has finally reached.

Despite all her little eccentrities - we love her dearly.  

Knitting Update

I am happy to report that I am actively knitting every day once again.  My focus has changed from what I do normally. I purchased a number of patterns that will suit other yarns that are from “deep stash.”   I am committed to using yarn that has been with me for more than a decade - and that I love, love, love.  Attached is a picture of one such yarn -  Plymouth Select Worsted Merino Superwash Kettle Dyed.  It is a lovely sandy color that reminds me of sand - and I purchased this yarn at a shop at Ocean City Maryland.  It was a fun weekend with family.  It wasn’t the most expensive yarn I ever purchased but it is filled with wonderful memories.  And this fall I found a wonderful pattern by Erin Johnson called Set Sail Shawl. It is a simple rectangular shawl that will be perfect to drape over my shoulders this winter.

I love the sandy look and variation of shades that you would find in shore sand.  Yes, there are beads at each end of the shawl - glass beads purchased at the same time.
I have had this yarn for more than 15 years and it was never assigned to a pattern.  So
glad to be using this yarn finally.

I have also identified 2 perfect patterns to do in my most favorite yarn ever - Waterlily - which hasn’t been available for more than a decade. 

All yarn with a long history with me.

Knee Update

*Sigh* Although I finished my PT, and I am doing my leg exercises 4-5 times a week (not every day ... per PT - "don’t overdo it or you can re-injury yourself"), and despite the facts I take the Extra Strength Long Acting Tylenol, I use Voltaren periodically, and I walk with a cane at times to reduce weight-baring on that knee when it hurts ... I am still icing it at times.

I am beginning to wonder (and probably accept) the fact that this may never be better than it is right now.  I am coming to the conclusion that some things just can’t be fixed to “like-new” status at my age.  I am pretty hard headed and it takes a lot for me to say “uncle.”  Now they did suggest a full knee replacement.  Presently the answer is no to that “cure"!  I guess I can’t rule it out entirely - as I might walk with a cane now, but I will not be full time on a walker or wheelchair if I can help it.  I am going to schedule another knee injection in the future and continue to push leg strengthening.   

For now that is about it. 

I sincerely wish all of you a wonderful holiday.  

And I am personally hoping that 2025 is better for all of us.

See you again in 2025!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

We The People ...

This post will be my last on this topic in my blog.

  I totally get it if you are fed up or hold a different point of view ... and want to skip this post.  But this is my space and I am getting this all of my chest.  

As I mentioned previously, my impressions of Trump in 2016 were poor.  He was not even a remotely qualified candidate and probably a crook.  Since then nothing has changed my mind.  In fact, he has earned further disqualifying titles: convicted rapist, felon, habitual liar, and insurrectionist.  But here is the thing ... there are lots of bad people in this world.  Some are behind bars and some are not.  But only one of the "bad people" was running for President.  Surely that travesty, should have been corrected in the Primary Elections by the Republican Party or at a minimum be corrected by “the people” in the National Election.  We “the people” should have corrected this.

We didn’t.  

This election was a sweep for Trump - both in the popular vote and in the Electoral College. There can be no doubt that more than half of the voters wanted a convicted rapist, felon, habitual liar and insurrectionist as President. And in true democratic fashion that is who they chose for our President for a second time.

I know that he has many proven and suspected “crimes” to his name.  But the crime I cannot get past - the one I witnessed on TV in total disbelief, the one that was investigated publicly exposing even more terrible things that were not known at the time  ... that crime of insurrection against our country, our constitution, exposed in real-time for all to witness on TV ... that crime of insurrection should have landed him in jail already.  Nope.  He gets a second shot at changing or dismantling our democracy.

I have anger.  So much anger.  And it is not aimed at him anymore.  He was TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY honest in what he was saying and doing - and what he plans to do.

My anger is aimed at our population.  Did you know that in some exit polls people were asking things similar to“When did Biden leave the race?”  "Where did Biden go?”  “Who is Harris?”  If they didn’t even know who was on the ticket, it is unlikely they followed any of the ongoing drama surrounding Trump.  So little effort they put into their responsibility as citizens!  Ignorance on a grand scale.  While it is easy to blow it off and say - 'well, they will be sorry,' or maybe 'you get what you deserve' - this electoral result impacts us all.

Here is an example of the most recent impact:  The Stock Market went up yesterday by over 1500 points.  It was an astronomical rise. The Stock Market likes Donald Trump.  It happened in 2016 as well.  That sure is good for my husband and I - and for anyone whose investments are tied up in the stock market!!  Yea me!!  But what about all those folks who are just getting by - does that rise in the stock market help them?  I bet not.  And I bet very little of what Trump does will positively impact all those people who are struggling to put food on the table or pay their rent.  

And then there is all the international stuff!  I won’t even begin to touch on his love of our enemies, dictators, strong men, etc.  I am sure there is much dismay among our international friends.  They may have forgiven us for his first 4 years, but another 4 years may be too much for them.  It is too much for me.

So I am angry at us ... “We The People.”  And “We The People” will get what we voted for.  Of course, it might not look like the democracy that we love after another 4 years.  But, oh well!  

Monday, November 4, 2024

Two ”Post-Cancer” Journeys


I try to avoid politics in my blog.  But sometimes it just seeps up through the cracks!  If you are a Trump supporter - I encourage you to skip this post.  

Let’s begin with the first post cancer journey - as it impacts my husband and I most directly.  Since October 21, my husband has been recovering from the treatments that are meant to kill his cancer.  We are now in a holding pattern until his PET scan in December.  This period has not been totally peaceful.  He received 2 units of blood 5 days after his last treatment because his oxygen carrying blood cells - his hemoglobin - had dropped into the critical range just before his last chemo and radiation.  Getting through that 5 days till the transfusion was a bit harrowing.  It is stunning just how impactful oxygen in the blood is to the body.  Three days after that vital transfusion, he saw his Oncologist and they pulled another blood test.  Those 2 units didn’t raise his oxygen levels as much as was needed.  In fact his hemoglobin levels were lower. Thinking back I realized that before his last chemo his hemoglobin was low enough to trigger the blood transfusion.  Then he had the last chemo and the last radiation!  They probably dropped his levels even lower.  So low that he couldn’t walk from the bed to the bathroom without stopping to rest.  I can tell you I didn’t sleep very well that week.  I kept waking to make sure he was still breathing.  The first transfusion brought him back up to functional but no where near safely normal.  So he is scheduled for a second transfusion of 2 more units - probably this week.  And this time, since he has had no other treatments, he should be closer to normal.  The PET scan in December will tell us if that cancer is gone.

Now onto the next “cancer” journey - the national one!

Tomorrow is Election Day. Tomorrow is our National PET scan test to determine if we have managed to wipe out the head of that cancer called Trump from our Oval Office for good.  I remember back to 2016 when Trump entered the race for the Presidency.  I remember thinking even then that this man who had absolutely no experience in governing, no public service experience, no experience in the practice of law, no military service - nothing that would remotely qualify him for the highest office in our land - couldn’t last as a viable candidate.  All I knew was that he was some sort of rich business man who had a shady background and had declared bankruptcy several times - and that he had a TV show where he enjoyed firing contestants.  My gut said - this man is a crook!  My gut was right.  Since that time - this Trump-cancer has spread and infected an entire political party and a HUGE number of our citizenship with a cult-like mob approach.  As a Registered Independent, I couldn’t understand why the Republican Party stand up to him and provide our country with a true conservative choice for President.  Over the years I watched as that party was hijacked by this singular Trump-cancer.  Now this same Trump-cancer threatens our very democratic institutions.  Never, never, never - in my whole life - did I worry that the person chosen by the people to be our President would destroy us - until the Trump-cancer.  

In this election cycle I have been addicted to all the news feeds related to this upcoming election.  And it has truly been an addiction that I will need to break myself from.  No matter who wins this week I need to step back from haunting all the news feeds (even Fox) - and break away for my own peace of mind.  Even if Kamala Harris wins (and I so pray that she does), the poison that is the Trump-cancer  will still fester in our country for a while.  This “illness” that has almost killed us will take time to heal.  The hate and devision that Trump-cancer has normalized will still be around.  There is no national “blood transfusion” that will cleanse our country.  Just time and patience.   But the PET scan, our upcoming election, is the first healing step in that process!

It pleases me no end - if the one to clean up this MAGA mess - is a woman!


Monday, October 21, 2024

Last Treatment In The Books

My husband had his last radiation treatment today!  His last chemo treatment was last Friday.  If he wasn’t so tired this morning ...  it might have been “Celebration Time."  

The day started a little low.  He said the fatigue was pretty awful this morning.  Of course, when we got there they were running late because one of their two radiation treatment units was down.  They did resolve whatever the problem was, but when you have patient treatments scheduled every 15 minutes it didn’t take long before patients dressed in gowns were backed up in the waiting areas and hallway.  They offered the option to reschedule to tomorrow, but we weren’t going anywhere since this was his last treatment.  Actually I didn’t notice anyone taking up that offer.  I think once you start down this path - the whole focus is to “just get through it.”  But everyone was patient.  The staff there is exceptional.

After the radiation, we met with the doctor who remarked that my husband handled the treatments better than any other patient in their memory.  And it is true.  Aside from the late onset fatigue today - he had nothing that was listed in their handouts.  He did have a number of small side effects from the chemo but those were very easily handled by medication.

So .... now we wait until December.  Between now and then he needs to heal and rest.  His PET scan is set for mid-December.  There is a lot of “waiting” with this disease.  It does teach you patience.  No popping a pill and you are better.

Anyway, between now and then I have a bunch of pictures, interests and stories to share.  I am so happy to be back blogging again.  I did miss it - and missed the community of blog friends I have made over the years.  Thank you for coming back.  I am a very lucky blogger.