Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Monday, October 21, 2024

Last Treatment In The Books

My husband had his last radiation treatment today!  His last chemo treatment was last Friday.  If he wasn’t so tired this morning ...  it might have been “Celebration Time."  

The day started a little low.  He said the fatigue was pretty awful this morning.  Of course, when we got there they were running late because one of their two radiation treatment units was down.  They did resolve whatever the problem was, but when you have patient treatments scheduled every 15 minutes it didn’t take long before patients dressed in gowns were backed up in the waiting areas and hallway.  They offered the option to reschedule to tomorrow, but we weren’t going anywhere since this was his last treatment.  Actually I didn’t notice anyone taking up that offer.  I think once you start down this path - the whole focus is to “just get through it.”  But everyone was patient.  The staff there is exceptional.

After the radiation, we met with the doctor who remarked that my husband handled the treatments better than any other patient in their memory.  And it is true.  Aside from the late onset fatigue today - he had nothing that was listed in their handouts.  He did have a number of small side effects from the chemo but those were very easily handled by medication.

So .... now we wait until December.  Between now and then he needs to heal and rest.  His PET scan is set for mid-December.  There is a lot of “waiting” with this disease.  It does teach you patience.  No popping a pill and you are better.

Anyway, between now and then I have a bunch of pictures, interests and stories to share.  I am so happy to be back blogging again.  I did miss it - and missed the community of blog friends I have made over the years.  Thank you for coming back.  I am a very lucky blogger.

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