Yes, mostly knitting was present, but "weaving new comers" to the table were very evident.
The Hazel Rose Looms made their first appearance! I managed to complete a 7" square and a 12" square prior to the meeting. In the foreground is the 12" completed weaving piece. Another 12" piece was started to demonstrate the difference in weaving techniques between the Hazel Rose Loom and the weave-it loom. Two members of the group tried out the weaving and were very pleased with the process and the result.
We had so much fun.
But knitting wasn't about to be upstaged! One member of the group had completed a darling child's sweater and adorable bunny slippers. There is so much talent in the group.
It was another great Tuesday with this talented group of women.
SPECTACULAR DAY at knitting/weaving, have been thinking about that loom ever since!!!
Had a great time at the knitting group. I didn't get a chance to order my looms yet, but I will tomorrow!!
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