Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Friday, November 27, 2020


Here I sit typing away at my computer at 5:30 am the day after Thanksgiving!  It is peaceful and comforting to have this very quiet time today.  No "Black Friday" hub-bub for me.  Just the gentle beginning of a day filled with ... nothing. I love days filled with nothing!  They are so few and far between.

Our Thanksgiving yesterday was small. The food was traditional and functional if not entirely mouthwatering (remember: not the cook sitting here.) But it was a good Thanksgiving for many reasons.  Our daughter was with us - as she is most weekends and Milo, her dog.  We spent the morning finishing up a Halloween puzzle with a brand new tool that made the puzzling so much better (that post is scheduled for publishing on Sunday.) We watched the Thanksgiving Day parade from New York (fun but different with no on-sight attendees) and followed that up with the Dog Show - always great fun.  There was no audience there either - just cardboard cut outs of people and dogs in the stands.  As odd as it was to see no one at these two events - it was wonderful to see that precautions like this are being taken seriously. And we visited by Google Video and Zoom with family during the day.  Yes, that was a Thanksgiving to be grateful for in many ways.

While many were technically missing from our dinner table - no one was permanently missing as some families experienced this year!  So for that I am forever grateful.  The first holidays after someone has died are always so terribly hard.  Many lost family members this year due to Covid. 

Finally, what I am most grateful for is the fact that I have adapted to this new way of living without too much feeling of loss.  I know that many are still struggling with this, because you see and hear about it on the TV - big group events where no masks can be seen, people "taking a break" from the pandemic protocols - "just this once."  And later hearing the stories of how they contracted Covid with just one lapse in judgement!  It is hard.  Just plain hard for some to change the way they live for this long a time.  But I am grateful beyond measure that for whatever reason - I am content to ride this pandemic out safely - with minimal sacrifice - and hopefully come out on the other end well. Truly a reason to be grateful.

A belated Thanksgiving wish to you.

Stay healthy and happy with the season - just as it looks now!

Be thankful!



Marie Smith said...

So far, we can see our grandchildren as there isn’t community spread on PEI. However, if that should change, we will cope and do okay cause it means other times to enjoy!

Michelle said...

I think you and I are very similar in many ways – probably why we are such good 'blogpals' and would have a wonderful time being neighbors!

happyone said...

Used to watch the parade but haven't seen it in years.
Sounds like a nice quiet Thanksgiving like ours.
Oh yes, I am thankful for all my many blessings.

Becki said...

You know... I've been feeling the same way as you about this pandemic. While I feel for those who've suffered as a result of the virus (physically and emotionally), it has not felt like too hard a thing to me. But we are in a good spot with hubs having retired a year ago, and we don't have grandchildren to miss. I do miss the freedom to see our adult sons whenever we like, but the truth is, they have become very independent in recent years and it's not like we were in each other's back pockets before the virus. I don't exactly look forward to winter and seeing people becoming harder, but I'm very thankful for my handcrafts to keep me busy and technology to keep me connected. This shall pass and I will try not to take easy connections for granted, but the truth is, I probably will.

Susan said...

The sacrifices are so small, compared to what could happen if you didn't. It really does help that I have no problem isolating, given that I'm quite comfortable spending time with only my dogs/cat.

Lynne said...

I enjoy reading you and listening to how your thoughts, happenings,
non happenings, conjure up things in my own life.
We have taken this covid time seriously and even so, with sadness
that so many of our family have been touched with the virus.

Sometimes it is impossible to find where it is lurking.
Two of the grand kids contacted it in their work life and it
seemed impossible to contain after that.
My daughter has been struck the hardest.
Mother to the grandsons but not in contact with them.

My daughter has been working from home and has very little social contact.
Difficult to believe she contacted it.
So sick, slowly feeling a bit better.
Poor dear had one side affect of her lips swelling,
on up into her face, eyes turned black and blue.

Yet . . . I look out the window tonight after a beautiful sunny crisp fall day
and the moon is lighting up the house with its glow,
It seems to sing promise, better days ahead.
I’ll take it!
Hold Hope, Stay Safe, Be Well . . . my mantra . . .

Peace be with you and your husband and family.
Carry it right on into the New Year!