Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Day 5 - Post Surgery

I am now on the “other side” of the kidney tumor surgery.  I am down to only one kidney, and the tumor - kidney duo is gone.  The whole process has gone exactly as described.  I am healing fast.  The pain is much reduced.  And as of yesterday, my energy levels have started to return.  I don’t need naps if I got a good night’s rest.  I have very few limitations - except that I should not lift heavy objects (they never gave a number of pounds but I am erring on the safe side and handling only light stuff) and I shouldn’t mow the grass.”  Ha! I am safe there - in a condo community we hire folks to mow the lawn. I can climb steps and I can even vacuum if I am using a stick vacuum.  Obviously this minimally invasive laparoscopic robot assisted surgery delivers on it promises of a fast recovery with less pain.

Two weeks from my surgery I will follow up with the surgeon and get my pathology results.  There was no new info given post surgery because based on pre surgery test imaging there were no surprises found when they did the surgery.  But microscopically my kidney cancer story may take a different path - and Oncology may be recommended.  In fact, she has mention that possibility at every interaction we have had.  I feel pretty sure she has been subtly prepping me for that possibility.

Based on my own research, if kidney cancer has spread - even microscopically, it is no longer treated initially with Chemotherapy and radiation therapies.  The current preferred treatment is Immunotherapy.  Immunotherapy is the use of medicines to boost a person’s own immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells more effectively.  It is sort of the opposite of suppression immunotherapy used in transplant patients to prevent rejections of the implanted organs.

But that all is a future topic.  Right now I am only crossing bridges I haven’t come to - I need to focus for the near future celebrate the fact I am tumor free.  And I am very very pleased about that.

Just know that I am doing well right now - physically and emotionally.  I’ll get back again after the surgical follow up.




Angela said...

Thank you for the update. I am glad surgery went well . Take time to recover, cross the new bridges slowly and with care 🙏🥰

Marie Smith said...

Yay! So good to hear this news! Continued healing to you!

A :-) said...

You GO, Girl!!! So happy to hear that surgery went well and that you are healing well. Yay!!!! Robotic/laparoscopic is pretty amazing, isn't it? Crossing my fingers that nothing has spread anywhere. Rest a lot and take it easy. I hope you will heal up well and quickly. And again, while you are being prepared for options, here's hoping that you will get an All-Clear when the pathology comes back.

happyone said...

So glad to hear an update and that you are doing well. I've been praying!! I will pass on your progress to my church friends you've been praying too. :)

Michelle said...

I'm so thankful to hear that there have been no surprises so far, and that you are recovering so quickly!

Leigh said...

What a great update! So glad things have gone as expected and that you are feeling on the upswing. What a relief.

Becki said...

Elaine, at the moment I haven't had the stamina to blog much or visit other's blog, but when I saw the title of this post, I had to drop in and catch up on you. I'm glad to know you are on this side of your surgery and I hope whatever treatment that lies ahead is not too taxing. This post was a good report to read!