Life has a way of stopping you dead in your tracks, pealing away the extraneous in an instant and focusing you on what really matters in life.
I will be gone from my blog until next week to focus on what really matters.
We had a serious scare with my dear dog, Meathead. He is an older English Bulldog. Thursday night my son called and said he needed help getting Meaty to the emergency vet. Meaty was having trouble breathing. Within minutes I was out the door. (My husband later said I didn't even hang up the phone.)
Tests were inconclusive, but the x-ray showed something near his lung. The vet recommended the specialists at another ER vet clinic 40 minutes away. Meaty spent the night at the second ER. After more tests and exams - the firm diagnosis was still missing. Pneumonia, tumor, lung torsion ... maybe, maybe ... It came down to treating for Pneumonia. If not Pneumonia, the only choice left was euthanasia. Surgery in such an old bully is not a humane option. Antibiotics were started. My son, his wife and their dogs spent a long weekend at Grandma's while we waited to see if Meaty's breathing improved. We showered Meaty with love, with treats, help up stairs, and our undivided attention. If this was his last weekend at Grandma's, we had to make the most of it. The outcome was this ...
A guy and his dog. Buds! More weekends at Grandma's are in the future. |
Struggling with the right choices for Meaty was difficult, especially when you aren't sure what the diagnosis is. We are apparently treating a deep seeded pneumonia. His breathing has improved greatly - almost totally normal. Antibiotics will be part of his regimen for at least 2 weeks, but maybe longer. A repeat chest x-ray will be done in 2 weeks. We are hoping for good news. My son and his wife deserve the "Dog Owners of the Year Award." Such heart wrenching choices they struggled with this weekend. Thankfully they made all the right ones.
If that black cloud wasn't enough, my daughter-in-law's mother was hospitalized and is seriously ill. She was in the ER with her mother while my son was in the Vet ER with his dog. Now hours are spent at the hospital at her mother's side ... wading through all the issues and decisions that go with being a first line care giver. My heart goes out to her as I have a sense of what she is dealing with. We are all worried for the family.
Just those two issues should have been enough bad karma for this couple. But one of their friends was in an auto accident and very seriously injured. He spent the week in Shock Trauma with a life changing injury. He has a long road ahead to recovery. This was shocking news for all of us.
It was good to have everyone under the same roof to help juggle the many competing issues that kept falling on their heads. Some of the bad has started to resolve, some of the bad has yet to begin the mending process. Some things can't be fixed by simple antibiotics.
But this week my focus will be family - what really matters.
I'll post again sometime next week.
PS - If you pray, please spare a few prayers for my son and daughter-in-law ... and for her family.