A series of posts on my new home.
As I go about my day in this new place I call home
I frequently think ...
"I like this (xyz) so much better."
Maybe I should write about it."
Before you peek into the guest room, a small disclaimer must be made. The 'guest room' has a long- term resident in it already. My yarn collection. Beyond food, I seem to hoard yarn as well, but I like to call it a collection instead of a hoarding tendency. Ha! And to all knitterly visitors to this post, you should know, my yarn collection is big by my standards and average by the standards of other knitters ... apparently. So the guest room sometimes is called the Yarn Room.
Anyway, here goes!
The wall to the left houses most of my yarn for crafts.
I say 'most' because some yarn is on the other wall and in the living room.
It is a yarn condo! |
I have always wanted to have an official guest room In our townhouse we had lots of space and many rooms but no one room worked as well as this one does as a guest room This is mostly because the possible townhouse guest rooms were either on the second level - near our rooms - limited privacy or in the basement. Both required stair climbing to reach and most of our guests were not good on steps. Frequently guests slept on an uncomfortable pull out couch or blow up mattress in the living room.
Opposite wall - holds all my books, puzzles, games and other craft items, and some yarn, of course. |
Sometimes this wall reminds me of a yarn shop. Makes me smile. |
Masked "Mousequerade." |
In this room I also have the remains of a stuffed animal collection. I used to have many more stuff animals, but this collection was thinned down to what I thought I had room for (and to what I love most of all) in this new place. Mousequerade is a collectable stuffed cat, who is masquerading as a mouse in a mouse cape with a basket full of cheese. Obviously this sweet looking cat has 'plans' to trick some little mouse.
Here is Mousequerade without the face mask and with his hood pulled back exposing such an appealing face. My first (and dearly loved) cat in 1969 was a black and white tuxedo cat called Ashes. This stuff animal reminds me of him. When I saw this stuff animal in a gift shop in Savage Mill I was totally in love with him. But the cost was ridiculous. I couldn't justify it. I walked away from him, but my brain would not let it go. After about 5 days, my husband said - if he is still there go buy him. He was still there!! I never regretted this purchase.

On the bed sits a stuffed white angel cat with white wings and glasses. I got this cat on our first trip to Maine. It was sitting on a gift store counter next to the cash register. As with Mousequerade, the moment I saw him I had to have him. But we were visiting the area and would not be returning in 5 days. So he left with me that day. This sweet stuffed animal reminds me of a time when my husband and I could travel together with limitations. I am so glad I fell into that impulse purchase.

The bear is special because he wears my very first knitted sweater. I took a 7 week learn to knit class back in 1997. In the 90s I had a terribly stress filled job that I lived and breathed for about 4 years. It made me into a uncaring and unhappy person. To save my sanity and to bring back the person I was before being a manager, I quit that job with no job prospects in sight and I took a knitting class. The sweater on this bear reminds me never to let others change who I am. Never let circumstances make you a lesser person. Be sure to remain caring to all. Remember what is important in life. This bear, which is not collectable at all, carries much on it sweatered shoulders.
This desk was one of the two pieces of my mom's that I brought with me to the condo. Actually the desk was mine as a child. It is a simple drop leaf maple desk but I would never part with it. It reminds me of mom and of my childhood.
Here is another stuffed cat that is part of my small collection. I just love the cat on its own, but in its arms is the silk flower corsage that my mom was given and wore on the day of my son's wedding. My son was married on my mom's 60th Wedding Anniversary so she was recognized on that day with this corsage and a small matching silk bouquet of flowers. It was a very special day - special for my son and his wife, and special because it was the best mom was mentally and physically before she began to seriously decline.
I am still figuring out how to decorate, but the evolving theme is 'cats' and 'yarn.'
The full bathroom off the second bedroom has two doors: one door is off the bedroom, the second door is off the living room. It is a good size bathroom and would house a wheel chair or a walker if needed. It also has its own linen closet.
Max our cat loves this room. |
Not all the cats in this room are stuffed!
The guest room is a special room for me. This is one think the townhouse didn't give me - one room with all my important things.