Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blog Hiatus?? Is that what I did?

My blog life has slowed considerably of late. It is sort of like I took an unannounced blog hiatus ... and discovered it only after it existed. Don't know what that is about. What once blogging took up several hours each day, and now barely finds time in the week.

Is it a sign that my life has changed dramatically in some very quiet way? The blog, which once held my link to the world beyond my four walls, that blog now competes for time and space with other activities.

It is like the vacuum of time left by my mom's move has been filled with a new set of commitments, some of which look the same but are just ordered differently than before.

I often said that I could filled my days with activities that took me from the house, but because mom was here, I had to hold back. Now she is not here, and the subtle creep of those activities sneaking in are filling up my days.

I think the next big challenge is to put constraints around my life, put limits on how I use time and keep things more simple. For so long mom was my constraint. It kept me in check. It kept things simple, direct, focused.

But now I remember ... It is a great failing of mine to over commit, to fill up all the spaces of my life with activity and not leave enough time to "just be." And I also remember ... that behavior adds stress to my life.

So was this a hiatus, or just a wake up call that I need to be better at using my time.

Anyway, I have missed being here.

Next blog post? I got my dress for the wedding!


Laura said...

I've really slowed down in the last couple of years. For now, it's what I need.
Hope you can find a level of busy-ness that just right for you.

Anonymous said...

You're just kicking up your heels and enjoying your freedom. You'll get things organized eventually. Looking forward to seeing photos of "the dress".

Carolyn said...

You will figure it out over time. I, too, look forward to seeing the dress.

SharleneT said...

I used to do that and have slowly learned to pick just what I want to do and say 'no' to the rest. I've become a closer to home person (did enormous amount of traveling when I worked) and have discovered the joys of being a senior with a garden and my solar cooking. I never set a daily goal for blogging so it hasn't stressed me, as yet. (I tend to bunch my posts and schedule publishings.) Enjoy your fling. We'll be here when you post, and congrats on finding the dress. Come visit when you can.