Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Test Day

 Totally uneventful. 

It was yesterday and I planned to blog when I got back but was totally exhausted.  I didn’t sleep well the night before.  In fact, my right knee was sore from the PT the day before so I got up to ice it (and worry that I would be too lame the next day ... I wasn’t) and my mind settled on worrying about the results of the test.

How easy it is to say “don’t worry - what will be, will be.”  That works when they are testing me, because I just give myself up to the medical establishment and trust they will do there best.  But it doesn’t work well when they are testing / treating a family member.  It just doesn’t.

The PET Scan is the easiest of all tests in my mind.  Actually any CT scan.  The CT scanner, unlike the MRI, is like a very large donut device that they pass you through.  Of course, a PET scan is a little mind numbing in that they are inserting a very small radioactive solution into your vein and you wait an hour before the test for that solution to be absorbed by your body - and therefore highlight any abnormal growth.  If you can get past that ... the test is only 15 minutes long.  

The worst part of this whole thing is the waiting, and waiting, and waiting.  We waited 2 weeks for this test.  They said the results should be ready in 2-3 days.  So more waiting then.

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