Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Today - the day before we enter the Hurricane again.

Today - the day before the PET Scan test that may change our lives again.

We have had some time to adjust to the overall diagnosis.  We have done some research.  We have adjusted our lives to fit the possibilities going forward.  Now all we need is the Stage of this disease - or how far it has silently traveled when we were ignorant of its presence. He began his prep today - which is pretty simple.  No caffeine or sugary items in the 24 hours before the test and nothing but water in the 6 hours before the test. This is a pretty easy test.  We are ready to get this show on the road!

Today - also the day I begin my own efforts to correct my current exercise routine and strengthen my legs.  PT starts (again!!) today.  When I back off the Tylenol and the Voltarin gel, I can tell I am just one step away from another negative event.  I need to be mobile without drugs or gels or physical aids (a cane or walker.)  If the knee fails again, I will begin the injections pronto along with the PT to relieve the pain and keep moving. 

Today is also my husband’s birthday - 78 years old.  

We aren’t party people.  Quiet events are more our style.  We did have the family over on Sunday for dinner and to share time together for this birthday.  Between my husband and I, we seldom celebrate our birthdays!  For some reason, celebrating that you kept breathing another year isn’t a big deal to us personally.  But others like to get together to recognize the passing of another year.  So we gather family.

But birthdays are passive events - time passed. A wedding anniversary requires more effort and deserves more recognition.  We celebrated our 55th Wedding Anniversary in June. We usually eat out on that day. 55 seems like a big number until I canvas our friends who are all married in that range of time.

Regardless - Happy Birthday, dear husband.  And many more.

And tomorrow you actually begin working on your 79th year.

It won’t be just the passing of time

 - and it will be worth a real celebration when the date rolls around

next year!!

You will have earned it.


Michelle said...

"Birthdays are passive events - time passed. A wedding anniversary requires more effort and deserves more recognition." I like that! I suppose in centuries past when pestilence and lack of modern medicine made life much more precarious, celebrating another year of life was a bigger deal, like celebrating winning a lottery. 😉

Retired Knitter said...

I think my husband and I started our marriage in “Holiday Overload.” His mother celebrated EVERYTHING. All the typical stuff including St. Patty’s Day, GrandParents Day, Easter (she really wasn’t Christian, but it was a holiday), etc. plus everyone’s birthday and anniversary. And gifts were exchanged for all those events. It was really how she expressed her feelings for you. My family celebrated just the big ones. It was kind of exhausting. I guess that is why we don’t get all worked up about these dates any more.

Marie Smith said...

Happy birthday to your husband and good luck with the testing! Take care!

Retired Knitter said...

Thanks. Fingers crossed on the testing.

Wendy said...

Belated birthday wishes to your husband. I hope the scan was done and that you don't have to wait too long for the results.

Linda said...

Hoping for the best results from the test🤞🤞🤞

A :-) said...

Sitting here, crossing my fingers for good news from the PET scan. Belated wishes to your husband for his birthday :-) And have they said anything to you at all about possibly getting a new knee?