Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Saturday, April 27, 2019

X - Xi

X is for Xi

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary blogging from A to Z challenge letter

You know what Xi is, right? 
I use that word at least once a day - sometimes twice!!!

Now, to provide full disclosure ... I don't actually say that word in conversation, or write that word (except for just now) in my correspondence, or even stretch the truth by saying I could use that word in a sentence.  I couldn't even give you a definition until I looked it up ... just NOW.

But use it, I have.

I DO use the word - Xi - because ... wait for it ... I play 'Words With Friends!'  And thank God for the word Xi - because there aren't a bunch of words that begin with X - I know - because I looked them up for this challenge!

Anyway - Xi - is the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet.  
Thank you Greek people!

What does that have to do with Retirement and Aging?

I play a lot of word games now.  Keeping my brain engaged and flexible is one of the necessary "to-dos" of retirement - 'cause if you lose that organ's function - you can just pack it up and go home.

So - 
Yea - for Words With Friends
 and Yea for the Greeks. 
You two gems are contributing to my mental well being as I age.

PS - and Yea for A-to-Z,
because without the challenge, 
I wouldn't have bothered to look up the definition of Xi either!!!


Sandy said...

LOL...I remember when I did the a to z how challenging some letters were, and certainly X is one of the hardest. Good for you. I don't play words with friends, but have gotten into doing Sudoku, on my ipad and another puzzle thing that I don't know what's it's called. That and the knitting I hope will be helpful. Thanks for the insight on family heirlooms, and stuff.........lots of stuff.

John Holton said...

For me, every A to Z Challenge is a word game.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Unfortunately, without a functioning brain, I fear we will not have the capacity to pack up and go home. Good that you play Words With Friends. I do crossword puzzles and write murder mysteries. I kill off my darlings, not my brain cells.

Lynne said...

WhirlyWird is another good game!
Keeps my mind thinking!

Lynne said...

Whirly Word is another great game.
It keeps my mind thinking!

(Please delete the previous comment from me.
Just as I pushed Pulblish, I noticed the misspelling.)

Breathing Life said...

It is great to have those little treasures in your pocket when playing scrabble. Like ADZ and EFT. LOL, now will you look up those?