Another rainy, rainy day and rainy night. I tried to get a night picture from my front step. Someday I will figure out how to use my camera!! :-)

So when that didn't work I settled for a picture of Meaty at the front door, sad that it was still raining. He doesn't like being wet and although he has pretty good bladder control, he can't wait until Saturday to step outside ... which is what he wants ... Saturday, when it will be dry and cool and a beautiful fall day. I'm with ya' Meaty!
Today I had three dogs take care of, and walk, and feed and play with, and medicate (Milo has an ear infection and although he is the smallest of the 3 dogs ... it is a world-class wrestling match to put ointment in his ears). I picked up Milo yesterday, and last night Milo and I were up twice to go out for a walk. It was just pouring buckets of water at 3:30 am and, of course, Milo wasn't thrilled about going out in that. But I was persistent. We stood under my small front porch - me holding a large golf umbrella and Milo staring out into the great downfall wondering why it was so important that he go out just now!! Knowing Milo ... I am sure he thought my carpet would work just fine for him till the rain stopped. He finally took a deep breath, ran out into my front yard squatted quickly and then return to the porch. Now you should know that he didn't get even the least bit wet, because I held the large umbrella over him the whole time. I got wet, but the little prince didn't! ;-)

On the up side, earlier in the week I placed an order for some beautiful hand-held looms from Hazel Rose Looms. They can be found at the following link:
I took this picture off my iPad with my camera (sort of a picture of a picture), so doesn't show them off well. Other pictures will follow when I get them. But in talking with Hazel about my order she shared that Ravelry has a group specifically for hand held looms. I don't know why I am surprised. They have groups for everything. I am eager to get my looms.
Well today is the last day of September. No walk for me today. Actually the end of September was been almost a total bust with walks and step counts. I think I reached my 10,000 average steps (won't know for sure until I update Walker Tracker) but I was doing way better than that at mid-month. October is another month. I'll do better than September. And if I just keep doing better with each month, the end result will be sensational!
Welcome October!!! You can't get here soon enough!