April 2012 will be here before you know it.
Last year I participated in a Blog Fest - my first - called A to Z Challenge. And it was a BLAST!!
Really, I wouldn't lie to you. And they are in the planning stages now for the April 2012 Challenge. In fact, they have set up a special blog just for planning and ongoing announcements. You will find it here if you are curious, and you are curious ... you know you are, so hit this blog link now to check it out.
Last year over 1000 bloggers participated and it was just an incredible fun event. We expect way more participants in 2012! So take a peak now, like I mean right now .... press this button.
In a nutshell, during the month of April you blog using the prompt of a letter of the alphabet. April 1 is the letter A, April 2 is the letter B ... and so on. You get the idea. The are "rest" days built in - so you blog only 24 days - one for each letter of the alphabet. That it! Here is the link.
Well, no, not really "it!"
You see, you add your blog link to a very, very long list of participating blogs. And you get the most fun of all ... visiting tons of blogs you never even knew about ... and you get lots of visitors yourself. One really cool feature is a blog hopping button that you can add to your blog. You just hit that button and it blog hops you around some really fantastic blogs. Man, don't you just want to hit this blog link now????
The anticipation is starting to build, the bloggers are beginning to line up (find out here), (some are even beginning to think of cool ideas for blog posts now ... like me!! :-) ), and there is tons of fun to be had! So don't miss out. Hit this dang-gon button!!!
waiting .... waiting .... waiting ... waiting
Oh, Hi, back again? Did you sign up? Didn't I tell you this was the coolest!!
See you there!!!
oh ... and here is the link!
You did a fabulous job on this. Your excitement is contageous.
Thanks for this post. Sorry I didn't get here sooner--so many things have been happening of late with me.
Keep up the fervency and hope you can do the same when the sign up list goes up in February.
Blogging from A to Z
I just found this through Blogging From A to Z! Reading this brought back so many great memories, including meeting you! You persuaded me to sign up again, and in your free time (ha!) you should consider a career in sales! Julie
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