Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The weather for walking has been just perfect.  By the time I get out the door in the morning it is in the 50's. Gosh, I can live with that!

After the hot summer we have had, it feels like we will have an early Fall.  Truthfully,  I am a "winter baby."  I love the fall, and the spring, but the winter is my season.  So an early fall and a traditional winter suites me just fine.

(stepping up on her soap box:
The truth is that we were CHEATED last year.
  Cheated, I tell you!!! 
  There was NO winter - just extended Fall.
  Ba Humbug, I am ready for the real thing.
  Do you hear that, Mother Nature? 
stepping back down again and putting her soap box away)

On my way into church with mom last Sunday, many commented on the wonderfully cool weather.  One familiar face (who also brings a senior citizen with her) said Fall was her favorite season.  Fall is a favorite of many.  I shared my favorite season is Winter and she did a double take when I mentioned that. You know, like I had 3 heads or something.

"Guess I met the one person who loves winter," was her comment.  Well, I am sure I am in the minority, but I am betting there is more than one of me.

But even if there isn't another one of me,
who cares,
I love winter!!!!

I think I will go sit on the couch and take a few deep breathes!


Lynne said...

I have said it before . . . I LOVE WINTER . . . and I get the same head flip and WHAT! I want roaring winds, "feets" of snow, not this little "snow brush" stuff. I want SNOW.

Having jumped off MY soap box, I will say . . . No ice please! Walking and ice aren't the best.

I like fall with the pleasant days, cooler nights, don't get me wrong but there is nothing better than waking up to piles of white . . . bundling up, boots and all, and getting a rosy red face . . . drippy nose . . . and feeling "winter walking energy."

I am ready as soon as the leaves are off the trees . . . bring. It on!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are many more folks who like the winter (no one is that unique)...that's not my favourite. It makes getting around much too difficult.

Retired Knitter said...

YES!!! Let's hear it for the rights of the winter folks!!

We suffered through so many hot, HOT, days for you summer folks.

Now be patient and enjoy the change of seasons, and the joys of all of them (except summer, LOL), and welcome winter!!!! Welcome it I say!! Open arms!


Do you think I am losing perspective? LOL

Retired Knitter said...

I still love you bunches, Miss Delores, despite your obvious failings in this regard!! :-)

Linda said...

Fall is my favorite but partly because it heralds my other favorite, Winter! Yay snow!

Connie Nelson said...

Very fun read! Please join me for Grandparents Say It Saturday link up open until Monday nights. We would love to have you!