Some of us are slow learners.
My day usually starts around 6:30 am (today was 5:30 am because 3 grand dogs wanted to go for a walk - can't they tell time???) *sigh* ... the day begins with a cup of coffee and my laptop. I would give you a picture, but my camera is vacationing in Geek Land (still!!).
I spend the first quiet hour of the day reading blogs. It is my own quiet me-time. Everyone is asleep. Usually that first hour I am not awake enough to do anything else but sip coffee and read. That first hour gives my body time to catch up with my brain. And I try hard to not write stuff until after the coffee has been absorbed by my cells. My words without caffine can be dreadfully confusing - almost another language.
Periodically during the day I will check email to see if anyone has visited my blog and commented. Now you visitors who don't comment (you know who you are) ... how do I know that you came for a visit? Yes, I know, there are blogspot stats that let me know the number of visitors to each post, but without comments you are "lurking" ... I need you to comment and say "hi". "Hi" is good!! The door is always open to my "blog house". Stop peaking in the window and come on in!!
Come evening I get another hour just before bed ... another hour of me-time. Everyone else has zonked out for the night (cats, dogs, mother, daughter, husband) and it is just me, my laptop and maybe a glass of wine and a hunk of cheese. That is when I create blog postings. The cheese makes me creative and the wine makes me wordy! It is a good combination.
Sometimes I just drop ideas into draft postings for the future, sometimes I create the guts of a single posting, sometimes I read what I wrote previously tweaking it (it is amazing what crap I can write - you don't want to see an "un-tweaked post"), and sometimes I just schedule a number of finished postings for future days (I so love the "schedule" feature.)
So what is your blogging routine? Do you have a routine? How do you squeeze this sometimes time-consuming process into your day?
I don't squeeze my blogging into my day, I squeeze my day into my blogging. I've been known to have an idea and drop everything I'm doing to scribble it down so I can use it later. Once in scribble mode I'm done...the work can wait.
Wow, mybabyjohn/delores,
Genius!!! Why didn't I think of that?
No routine - no hour to my myself - I just have to plan things around my life - and you are right - it's hard! A routine is good - maybe when school starts.
Hi Love your blog. i'm one of those Canadian visitors (lurkers). Don't know if i have the discipline to blog every day....?maybe once a week???
Funny, but my knitting routine is much like your blogging one! I always knit with my first cup of coffee, and I often have a glass of wine with my bedtime knitting. I usually write my blog posts right after work or right after dinner. I need to re-read & rewrite drafts of them over and over again for a day or two before I post.
I might get on my computer and check email and facebook before my husband gets up. Usually I wait till he leaves and sit down at my computer to do my business. I'm finding it all is getting to take over my day! I don't have enough time at one sitting to get caught up on blog reading and my own writing so I pop in at odd moments during the day. I'd like to come up with a better routine. I seem to thrive better on a schedule!
Schedule? LOL, it is pretty obvious I don't have one. My goal is 1 post a week - would like to do 2 a week but still working on averaging one!
Good question! How do any of us do it? I couldn't do it without a cup of coffee either, but a glass of wine would have me knocked out over the keyboard. Sometimes I write in the evening; sometimes I write in the morning. Depends on how well Blogger is behaving. I also take advantage of the schedule posts feature; although, that also depends on how well Blogger is working. Sounds as if you have a busy household!
Hi, Beth
Thanks for stopping to make a comment! And thanks for the lovely note about my blog. You are welcome to visit my blog house any time ... you are surrounded by good people when you are here!!
Retire Knitter
the routine is nonexistent for me. i post when i feel it. i catch up when i can. i used to try to catch up everyday after work but that gets tough because then i'm on the computer all night long! weekends are when i try to catch up on blogs.
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