Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do ...
Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Saturday, August 27, 2011

World's End - Part 1

Today is the day! World's End.

Ok, that is an exaggeration, but if you take the news reporters seriously, they can make it sound like the end is near.

9:20 am - Noth'en yet. The sky is gray and ground is wet, but it is humid and still.

11:30 am - Took my two grand dogs home to their "papa" to weather the storm at their own house. Hurricane Irene's wet fingers splashed across our area with a few short showers.

1:30 pm - Went for a walk. Got wet. The rain was gentle but consistent. The sky was getting darker.

3:00 pm - The intensity of the storm has picked up for Maryland's ocean shores and the waves are getting higher. Here ... still pretty quiet like any other normal rainy day, but there is no thunder or lightening like most storms bring. News promises that by late afternoon we she see increasing wind and wind gusts.

3:15 pm - Finished setting up the cooler with foods and beverages that we might need. We have a 50-50 chance of losing power according to our Governor. The cooler seemed like a reasonable step to take. I also made tomorrow morning's coffee already. I usually don't care for old coffee, but no coffee would be even worse.


Anonymous said...

No coffee would be the worst part of the storm.
Keep safe.

g-girl said...

isn't it funny how meteorologists and the like think they can predict the weather? sure they follow the weather patterns, etc. but everything is unpredictable!